“Iron Sharpens Iron But You Can’t Be Sharp
Hanging Around Butterknife People”
~ Mr. Felix Anderson

Wake Your Successful Self UP isn’t just a slogan…THIS is a lifestyle.

Known as the Birthing Room, the Wake Your Successful Self Up team  assignment is to challenge you to become your best version of YOU! Our goal is to motivate you, encourage you and surround you with the love and support you need to reach your full potential through service. We give birth to Purpose, Passion, Potential and Excellence and we encourage you to WAKE YOUR SUCCESSFUL SELF UP so that you can give birth to what’s on the inside of you!

What We Do



Voicemail Victories were created to empower and encourage individuals to embrace their imperfections and use them as the launching pad to become better. None of us have arrived, yet we are all on the road to becoming better as we drive different paths to our perspective destinies.

Celebrate your authenticity, flaws, and all and learn how to accept your mistakes for what they are and not for how they make you feel. Never forget that your mistake is just one step closer to your answer and to you becoming a better you. You are purposed and destined for greatness and each Voicemail victory, be it poetry, prayer, motivation, affirmation, or declaration. Listen as we encourage you to be a better you and WAKE YOUR SUCCESSFUL SELF UP!!!

*Products and services by Voicemail Victory Contributor Chantea M. Williams can be found at www.greaterwomen.com


THE 278 MOVEMENT is a challenge to anyone seeking to improve accountability, time management and a new mindset. Why the numbers 278?
Here is why….

(1) The Bible asks a question in Amos 3:3 and I quote “How can two walk together except they agree?” There must be an agreement between you and whoever you partner with spiritually, mentally, professionally, and emotionally in order for prosperity to take place.

(2) 7 is the number of completion and I challenge you to write down (7) Things you want to see happen in the next 6 months. Pray About It, Pen it, Proclaim It and Make Preparations for it to Happen!!!

(3) 8 is the number of New Beginnings. Before you can experience new beginnings, here are the things you must check off your list.

☑️ Find someone that will agree with helping you prosper mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally.
☑️ Pray About It, Pen It, Proclaim It and Prepared For It then you will…
☑️ BE READY for your New Beginnings!!!
“Greatness is on the inside of you, but you have the responsibility of pulling it out” ~ @MrFelixAnderso